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Elevate Wellness




"There is no one
giant step that
does it.  It's a lot of little steps."




Our mind and body are intricately linked.   If we look from a neurological perspective, each movement we do with our bodies sends signals from muscles to the brain and vice versa. By being active, the neurological connection becomes more vital, reawakening thousands of dormant muscle cells.


Elevate Wellness focuses on developing a unique repertoire that allows clients to awaken their body and mind through yoga poses and pilates exercises. Combining these movements, arousing those dormant cells, and enhancing the mind's function, we produce a dopamine hit that motivates us to move our bodies,  


Body +mind+movement=happiness and longevity


"Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as being stuck somewhere you don't belong."  ~Mandy Hale






Meditating in Nature
Upward Facing Dog

What We Do

Reformer Pilates

This session instills the  basic prinicples of Pilates.  Includes stretch/release work focusing on range of motion, stability and strength. Pacing is slow and demonstration provided.

Clinical Pilates

Individualized session for rehabilitation and prevention of muscular injuries. Good for recurrent or chronic pain symptoms. Graded exercises are used to increase strength, flexibility and ROM.  

Athletic Reformer

Cardio, sweat, high intensity strength & conditioning.  A fantastic session for two clients.

Move Your DNA

This session is for two clients.  In 45 minutes each client will experince a session that moves the entire body working all parts by progressively adding load.


Different sessions offered throughout the week.  Hatha Yoga Tuesday nights and morning stretch Sunday am.

Butterfly Collage

To book a session at the WEllness Loft contact Sharon for the booking app information. 

About Sharon
Meditation by the Sea

Your Instructor Sharon


Yoga has been a part of my life for 15 years.  Yoga inspires me to live each moment more mindfully and authentically.  Pilates has taken me on a  journey of appreciation of how resilient the body can be with consistent flexion, extension, rotation and flow.


As a yoga therapist and clinical pilates instructor, I feel empowered to motivate others to be their personal best, both physically and psychologically.  I am inspired to be my client's cheerleader, working alongside them and supporting them in reaching their goals. 


With my clients, I love to create an atmosphere of spiritual playfulness with a dose of curiosity. My vision is to empower all my clients to live their best authentic life through movement and mindfulness.  

Above the Clouds

Email to set up a consultation

Sharon Blackwell

Yoga Therapist, Clinical Pilates Instructor,

B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Sc Psychology


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